

The SYCL device version is different from CUDA Compute Compatibility. You may need to rewrite this code.

Detailed Help#

SYCLomatic detected a usage of CUDA* Compute Capability-dependent logic in the original program.

DPC++ does not support CUDA Compute Capability. The logic in the generated code uses a version extracted from the cl::sycl::info::device::version, which is different than CUDA Compute Capability.

Suggestions to Fix#

Review the logic and adjust it.

For example, this original CUDA code:

1int main() {
2  cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
3  int deviceID = 0;
4  cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, deviceID);
5  if (deviceProp.major >= 3) {
6    // Use functionality from Compute Capability 3.0+
7  }
8  return 0;

results in the following migrated SYCL* code:

 1int main() {
 2  dpct::device_info deviceProp;
 3  dpct::dev_mgr::instance().get_device(0).get_device_info(deviceProp);
 4  /*
 5  DPCT1005:0: The SYCL device version is different from CUDA Compute
 6  Compatibility. You may need to rewrite this code.
 7  */
 8  if (deviceProp.get_major_version() >= 3) {
 9    // Invoke kernel using __shfl() which requires Compute Capability 3.0+
10  }
11  return 0;

which is rewritten to:

1 int main() {
2   // sycl::select_from_group is supported in SYCL 2020.
3   if (SYCL_LANGUAGE_VERSION >= 202000) {
4     // Invoke kernel using sycl::select_from_group
5     ...
6   }
7   return 0;
8 }