Query CUDA* to SYCL* API Mapping#

Use the --query-api-mapping option to discover which SYCL* API is functionally compatible with a specified CUDA* API. The API query functionality can assist users on manual code migration and help users understand the SYCL API.

The following example queries the functionally compatible SYCL API for the cudaMalloc function:

$ dpct --query-api-mapping=cudaMalloc

    cudaMalloc(pDev /*void ***/, s /*size_t*/);
  Is migrated to:
    *pDev = (void *)sycl::malloc_device(s, dpct::get_in_order_queue());

On Linux, you can use the tab key to auto-complete the CUDA API name specified for the --query-api-mapping option. For example :

  1. Specify the partial CUDA function name “cudaMa” to the --query-api-mapping option:

    dpct --query-api-mapping=cudaMa
  2. Press tab.

    The CUDA API name will auto-complete to cudaMalloc:

    dpct --query-api-mapping=cudaMalloc

SYCLomatic also supports fuzzy matching of CUDA API names. For example:

$ dpct --query-api-mapping=cudamalloc

    cudaMalloc(pDev /*void ***/, s /*size_t*/);
  Is migrated to:
    *pDev = (void *)sycl::malloc_device(s, dpct::get_in_order_queue());