
Performs modified Givens rotation of points in the plane.


Given two vectors x and y, each vector element of these vectors is replaced as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix}x_i \\ y_i\end{bmatrix}= H \begin{bmatrix}x_i \\ y_i\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

for i from 1 to n, where H is a modified Givens transformation matrix.

rotm supports the following precisions.




rotm (Buffer Version)


namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::column_major {
    void rotm(sycl::queue &queue,
              std::int64_t n,
              sycl::buffer<T,1> &x,
              std::int64_t incx,
              sycl::buffer<T,1> &y,
              std::int64_t incy,
              sycl::buffer<T,1> &param)
namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::row_major {
    void rotm(sycl::queue &queue,
              std::int64_t n,
              sycl::buffer<T,1> &x,
              std::int64_t incx,
              sycl::buffer<T,1> &y,
              std::int64_t incy,
              sycl::buffer<T,1> &param)

Input Parameters


The queue where the routine should be executed.


Number of elements in vector x.


Buffer holding input vector x. The buffer must be of size at least (1 + (n - 1)*abs(incx)). See Matrix Storage for more details.


Stride of vector x.


Buffer holding input vector x. The buffer must be of size at least (1 + (n - 1)*abs(incy)). See Matrix Storage for more details.


Stride of vector y.


Buffer holding an array of size 5.

The elements of the param array are:

param[0] contains a switch, flag. The other array elements param[1-4] contain the components of the modified Givens transformation matrix H: h11, h21, h12, and h22, respectively.

Depending on the values of flag, the components of H are set as follows:

flag = -1.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}h_{11} & h_{12} \\ h_{21} & h_{22}\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
flag = 0.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}1.0 & h_{12} \\ h_{21} & 1.0\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
flag = 1.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}h_{11} & 1.0 \\ -1.0 & h_{22}\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
flag = -2.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}1.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 1.0\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

In the last three cases, the matrix entries of 1.0, -1.0, and 0.0 are assumed based on the value of flag and are not required to be set in the param vector.

Output Parameters


Buffer holding updated buffer x.


Buffer holding updated buffer y.

rotm (USM Version)


namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::column_major {
    sycl::event rotm(sycl::queue &queue,
                     std::int64_t n,
                     T *x,
                     std::int64_t incx,
                     T *y,
                     std::int64_t incy,
                     T *param,
                     const std::vector<sycl::event> &dependencies = {})
namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::row_major {
    sycl::event rotm(sycl::queue &queue,
                     std::int64_t n,
                     T *x,
                     std::int64_t incx,
                     T *y,
                     std::int64_t incy,
                     T *param,
                     const std::vector<sycl::event> &dependencies = {})

Input Parameters


The queue where the routine should be executed.


Number of elements in vector x.


Pointer to the input vector x. The array holding the vector x must be of size at least (1 + (n - 1)*abs(incx)). See Matrix Storage for more details.


Stride of vector x.


Pointer to the input vector y. The array holding the vector y must be of size at least (1 + (n - 1)*abs(incy)). See Matrix Storage for more details.


Stride of vector y.


Buffer holding an array of size 5.

The elements of the param array are:

param[0] contains a switch, flag. The other array elements param[1-4] contain the components of the modified Givens transformation matrix H: h11, h21, h12, and h22, respectively.

Depending on the values of flag, the components of H are set as follows:

flag = -1.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}h_{11} & h_{12} \\ h_{21} & h_{22}\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
flag = 0.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}1.0 & h_{12} \\ h_{21} & 1.0\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
flag = 1.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}h_{11} & 1.0 \\ -1.0 & h_{22}\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]
flag = -2.0:
\[\begin{split}H=\begin{bmatrix}1.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 1.0\end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

In the last three cases, the matrix entries of 1.0, -1.0, and 0.0 are assumed based on the value of flag and are not required to be set in the param vector.


List of events to wait for before starting computation, if any. If omitted, defaults to no dependencies.

Output Parameters


Pointer to the updated array x.


Pointer to the updated array y.

Return Values

Output event to wait on to ensure computation is complete.

Parent topic: BLAS Level 1 Routines