

The objective of the oneAPI Unified Runtime is to provide a unified interface to device agnostic runtimes such as DPC++ across a wide variety of software platforms. The unified runtime provides extensibility where new backends can be developed to support new software platforms and devices. Software platforms can be enumerated through the interface and used to provide best experience. The interface will semantically align with the Level Zero Driver interface and support native platform access.



The following section provides fundamentals of the API design. For more detailed information, refer to the programming guides and detailed specification pages.

The repository for Unified Runtime can be found here:


This specification uses key words based on RFC2119 to indicate requirement level. In particular, the following words are used to describe the actions of an implementation of this specification:

  • May - the word may, or the adjective optional, mean that conforming implementations are permitted to, but need not behave as described.

  • Should - the word should, or the adjective recommended, mean that there could be reasons for an implementation to deviate from the behavior described, but that such deviation should be avoided.

  • Must - the word must, or the term required or shall, mean that the behavior described is an absolute requirement of the specification.


There are multiple versions that should be used by the application to determine compatibility:

Platform Version - this is the version of the API supported by the platform.

  • This is typically used to determine if the device supports the minimum set of APIs required by the application

  • There is a single 32-bit value that represents an entire collection of APIs

  • The value is encoded with 16-bit Major and 16-bit Minor parts

  • Major version increment consist of modified functionality, including deprecate features, and may break backwards-compatibility

  • Minor version increment consist of additional functionality, including promoted extensions, and must retain backwards-compatibility

  • The value is determined from calling urPlatformGetApiVersion

  • The value returned will be the minimum of the ur_api_version_t supported by the device and known by the driver

Error Handling#

The following design philosophies are adopted to reduce Host-side overhead:

  • By default, the driver implementation may not perform parameter validation of any kind

    • This should be handled by validation layer(s)

  • By default, the driver or device may not provide any protection against the following:

    • Invalid API programming

    • Invalid function arguments

    • Function infinite loops or recursions

    • Synchronization primitive deadlocks

    • Non-visible memory access by the Host or device

    • Non-resident memory access by the device

  • The driver implementation is not required to perform API validation of any kind

    • The driver should ensure well-behaved applications are not burdened with the overhead needed for non-behaving applications

    • Unless otherwise specified, the driver behavior is undefined when APIs are improperly used

    • For debug purposes, API validation can be enabled via the loader’s validation layer(s)

  • All API functions return ur_result_t

    • This enumeration contains error codes for the Unified Runtime APIs and validation layers

    • This allows for a consistent pattern on the application side for catching errors; especially when validation layer(s) are enabled

Multithreading and Concurrency#

The following design philosophies are adopted in order to maximize Host thread concurrency:

  • APIs are free-threaded when the runtime’s object handle is different.

    • the runtime should avoid thread-locks for these API calls

  • APIs are not thread-safe when the runtime’s object handle is the same, except when explicitly noted.

    • the application must ensure multiple threads do not enter an API when the handle is the same

  • APIs are not thread-safe with other APIs that use the same runtime’s object handle

    • the application must ensure multiple threads do not enter these APIs when the handle is the same

In general, the API is designed to be free-threaded rather than thread-safe. This provides multithreaded applications with complete control over both threading and locks. This also eliminates unnecessary runtime overhead for single threaded applications and/or very low latency usages.

The exception to this rule is that all memory allocation APIs are thread-safe since they allocate from a single global memory pool. If an application needs lock-free memory allocation, then it could allocate a per-thread pool and implement its own sub-allocator.

An application is in direct control over all Host thread creation and usage. The runtime should never implicitly create threads. If there is a need for an implementation to use a background thread, then that thread should be created and provided by the application.

Each API function must document details on the multithreading requirements for that call.

The primary usage-model enabled by these rules is:

  • multiple, simultaneous threads may operate on independent driver objects with no implicit thread-locks

  • driver object handles may be passed between and used by multiple threads with no implicit thread-locks

Application Binary Interface#

The Unified Runtime C APIs are provided to applications by a shared import library. C/C++ applications must include “ur_api.h” and link with “ur_api.lib”. The Unified Runtime C Device-Driver Interfaces (DDIs) are provided to the import library by the shared loader or runtime and driver libraries. C/C++ loaders and drivers must include “ur_ddi.h”.

The implementation of these libraries must use the default Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the standard C compiler for the platform. An ABI in this context means the size, alignment, and layout of C data types; the procedure calling convention. and the naming convention for shared library symbols corresponding to C functions. The ABI is backward-compatible for API minor version increments such as adding new functions, appending new enumerators, and using reserved bits in bitfields. ABI is not guaranteed to be backward-compatible for API major version increments such as modifying existing function signatures and structures, removing functions and structures, etc.

On platforms where Unified Runtime is provided as a shared library, library symbols beginning with “ur”, “urt” or “urs” and followed by a digit or uppercase letter are reserved for use by the implementation. Applications which use Unified Runtime must not provide definitions of these symbols. This allows the Unified Runtime shared library to be updated with additional symbols for new API versions or extensions without causing symbol conflicts with existing applications.

Printing API#

The header “ur_print.hpp” contains output stream operator (<<) overloads for Unified Runtime objects. There is also the “ur::extras::printFunctionParams” function for printing function parameters. These parameters have to be provided in a *params_t struct format suitable for a given function.

The ur_print.h header provides the same functionality with a C interface. Each object has a print function named urPrint<object name without both prefix and suffix>, ie. for printing ur_result_t use urPrintResult.


Unified Runtime loader implements tracing support through the XPTI framework.

UR Stream “” Notification Signatures#

Trace Point Type

Parameter Description



trace_type: xpti::trace_point_type_t::function_with_args_begin that marks the beginning of a function
parent: nullptr
event: nullptr
instance: Unique ID to allow the correlation of the function_with_args_begin event with the function_with_args_end event.
user_data: A pointer to function_with_args_t object, that includes function ID, name, and arguments.



trace_type: xpti::trace_point_type_t::function_with_args_end that marks the end of a function
parent: nullptr
event: nullptr
instance: Unique ID to allow the correlation of the function_with_args_end event with the function_with_args_begin event.
user_data: A pointer to function_with_args_t object, that includes function ID, name, arguments, and return value.


The Unified Runtime tracing layer also supports logging tracing output directly, rather than using XPTI. Use the UR_LOG_TRACING environment variable to control this output. See the Logging section below for details of the syntax. All traces are logged at the info log level.


Unified Runtime loader implements the runtime part of device-side sanitizers: AddressSanitizer (UR_LAYER_ASAN), MemorySanitizer (UR_LAYER_MSAN, planned), and ThreadSanitizer (UR_LAYER_TSAN, planned).

This layer shouldn’t be enabled explicitly, for example, by the environment variable UR_ENABLE_LAYERS, but is enabled by program’s runtime (e.g. SYCL/OpenMP Runtime) when the device code is compiled with flag -fsanitize=address|memory|thread.

Currently, AddressSanitizer only supports some of the devices on OpenCL and Level-Zero adapters, and this could be extended to support other devices and adapters if UR virtual memory APIs and shadow memory mapping in libdevice are supported.


Logging in UR is handled by loggers which can be set for each library separately. There are several levels of logging: debug, info, warning, and error. The level of logging determines what messages will be printed, ie. the level set to warning means all messages at levels warning and error will be printed. By default, no messages are printed.

By default, there is a guarantee that error messages are flushed immediately. One can change this behavior to flush on lower-level messages.

Loggers redirect messages to stdout, stderr, or a file (default: stderr).

All of these logging options can be set with UR_LOG_LOADER and UR_LOG_NULL environment variables described in the Environment Variables section below. Both of these environment variables have the same syntax for setting logger options:


  • level - a log level, meaning that only messages from this level and above are printed,

    possible values, from the lowest level to the highest one: debug, info, warning, error,

  • flush - a flush level, meaning that messages at this level and above are guaranteed to be flushed immediately,

    possible values are the same as above,

  • output - indicates where messages should be printed,

    possible values are: stdout, stderr and file, when providing a file output option, a <path> is required


For output to file, a path to the file have to be provided after a comma, like in the example above. The path has to exist, file will be created if not existing. All these three logger options are optional. The defaults are set when options are not provided in the environment variable. Options have to be separated with ;, option names, and their values with :. Additionally, when providing file output, the keyword file and a path to a file have to be separated by ,.

An example of an environment variable for setting up the loader library logger with logging level set to info, flush level set to warning, and output set to the out.log file:


An example of an environment variable for setting up the null adapter library with logging level set to warning and output set to stdout:


Adapter Discovery#

UR is capable of discovering adapter libraries in the following ways in the listed order:

  • Search in paths to the adapters set in UR_ADAPTERS_FORCE_LOAD environment variable.

    • All other adapter discovery methods are disabled when this environment variable is used.

  • Search in directories specified in UR_ADAPTERS_SEARCH_PATH environment variable.

  • Leave adapter discovery for the OS.

    • This method is disabled on Windows.

    • If on Linux, use the shared library discovery mechanism (see ****(8) for details).

  • Search in directory at the UR loader location.

Currently, UR looks for these adapter libraries:

  • ur_adapter_level_zero

  • ur_adapter_opencl

  • ur_adapter_cuda

  • ur_adapter_hip

  • ur_adapter_native_cpu

For more information about the usage of mentioned environment variables see Environment Variables section.


A mock UR adapter can be accessed for test purposes by enabling it via urLoaderConfigSetMockingEnabled.

The default fallback behavior for entry points in the mock adapter is to simply return UR_RESULT_SUCCESS. For entry points concerning handles, i.e. those that create a new handle or modify the reference count of an existing one, a dummy handle mechanism is used. This means the adapter will return generic handles that track a reference count, and Retain/Release entry points will function as expected when used with these handles.

The behavior of the mock adapter can be customized by linking the unified-runtime::mock library and making use of the object accessed via the mock::getCallbacks() helper. Callbacks can be passed into this object to run either before or after a given entry point, or they can be set to entirely replace the default behavior. Only one callback of each type (before, replace, after) can be set per entry point, with subsequent callbacks set in the same “slot” overwriting any set previously.

The callback signature defined by ur_mock_callback_t takes a single void * parameter. When calling a user callback the adapter will pack the entry point’s parameters into the appropriate _params_t struct (e.g. ur_adapter_get_params_t) and pass a pointer to that struct into the callback. This allows parameters to be accessed and modified. The definitions for these parameter structs can be found in the main API header.


UR comes with a mechanism that allows various API intercept layers to be enabled, either through the API or with an environment variable (see Environment Variables). By default, no layers are enabled. Layers currently included with the runtime are as follows:

Layer Name



Enables non-adapter-specific parameter validation (e.g. checking for null values).


Enables non-adapter-specific bounds checking of USM allocations for enqueued commands. Automatically enables UR_LAYER_PARAMETER_VALIDATION.


Performs some leak checking for API calls involving object creation/destruction.


Performs lifetime validation on objects (check if it was used within the scope of its creation and destruction) used in API calls. Automatically enables UR_LAYER_LEAK_CHECKING.




Enables the XPTI tracing layer, see Tracing for more detail.


Enables the device-side sanitizer layer, see Sanitizers for more detail.

Environment Variables#

Specific environment variables can be set to control the behavior of unified runtime or enable certain features.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime level zero adapter logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime cuda adapter logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime hip adapter logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime opencl adapter logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime native cpu logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime loader logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime null adapter logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime sanitizer logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime validation logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds parameters for setting Unified Runtime tracing logging. The syntax is described in the Logging section.


Holds a comma-separated list of library paths used by the loader for adapter discovery. By setting this value you can force the loader to use specific adapter implementations from the libraries provided.


This environment variable should be used for development and debugging only.


All other adapter discovery methods are disabled when this environment variable is used.


Holds a comma-separated list of directory paths used for adapter discovery. By setting this value you can extend the list of directories the loader searches for adapter implementations.


The usage of colons and semicolons is allowed only inside ‘’ or “” quote signs.


This environment variable is ignored when UR_ADAPTERS_FORCE_LOAD environment variable is used.


If set, the loader will use RTLD_DEEPBIND when opening adapter libraries. This might be useful if an adapter requires a different version of a shared library compared to the rest of the applcation.


This environment variable is Linux-only.


Holds a comma-separated list of layers to enable in addition to any specified via urLoaderInit.

See the Layers section for details of the layers currently included in the runtime.


If set, the loader will read ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR before loading the UR Adapters to determine which backends should be loaded.

This environment variable is default enabled on Linux, but default disabled on Windows.

CTS Environment Variables#

The following environment variables are used by the CTS runner and can be used to specify the platform that the test framework should run on. This can be used during development and testing to run CTS tests in case multiple platforms are available. If both filters are specified, then they both must match a platform for it to be selected. If there are no valid platforms, then the tests will fail. Command line arguments take priority over these variables.


A specifier list in the form of [(backend):](platform name)[;[(backend)]:(platform name)]…. If a backend specific specifier is present in the list and the test is running for that backend, the device with the given name is chosen. Otherwise, it must match the name of the specifier from the list with no backend. Backend names are case- insensitive, however platform names must match exactly.

For example, if the test device has multiple platforms and you want to run tests on the “ABC Corp” backend when testing OpenCL and “XYZ Org” when testing level zero, you’d use OPENCL:ABC Corp;LEVEL_ZERO:XYZ Org. This form is useful when running the build target with a build with multiple backends.

For testing only one platform, the backend can be omitted. For example, just ABC Corp is sufficient if the tests are only going to be testing OpenCL.


A (case insensitive) backend to force the test to use. For example, opencl, level_zero, hip and so on.


A boolean option to enable running tests which have been marked as known failures using the UUR_KNOWN_FAILURE_ON macro. Enabled when the environment variable is set to any of the following values: 1, on, ON, yes, YES, true, TRUE.

Service identifiers#

Unified Runtime may create logs containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the form of unique device identifiers during its use. This capability is turned off by default. Please refer to the Logging and Environment Variables sections above for more information.