AMD HIP UR Reference Document#

This document gives general guidelines of how to use UR to execute kernels on a AMD HIP device.

Device code#

Unlike the NVPTX platform, AMDGPU does not use a device IR that can be JIT compiled at runtime. Therefore, all device binaries must be precompiled for a particular arch.

The naming of AMDGPU device code files may vary across different generations of devices. .hsa or .hsaco are common extensions as of 2023.

HIPCC can generate device code for a particular arch using the --genco flag

$ hipcc --genco --amdgpu-target=gfx906 -o hello.hsaco

When generating device code to be launched using Unified Runtime, it is recommended to use a programming model with explicit kernel parameters, such as OpenCL or HIP. This is because kernels generated by a programming model with implicit kernel parameters, such as SYCL, cannot guarantee any specific number or ordering of kernel parameters. It has been observed that kernel signatures for the same SYCL kernel may vary significantly when compiled for different architectures.

UR Programs#

A ur_program_handle_t has a one to one mapping with the HIP runtime object hipModule_t

In UR for HIP, a ur_program_handle_t can be created using urProgramCreateWithBinary with:

  • A single device code module

A ur_program_handle_t is valid only for a single architecture. If a HIP compatible binary contains device code for multiple AMDGPU architectures, it is the user’s responsibility to split these separate device images so that urProgramCreateWithBinary is only called with a device binary for a single device arch.

If the AMDGPU module is incompatible with the device arch then urProgramBuild will fail with the error hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu.

If a program is large and contains many kernels, loading the program may have a high overhead. This can be mitigated by splitting a program into multiple smaller programs. In this way, an application will only pay the overhead of loading kernels that it will likely use.


Once urProgramCreateWithBinary and urProgramBuild have succeeded, kernels can be fetched from programs with urKernelCreate. urKernelCreate must be called with the exact name of the kernel in the AMDGPU device code module. This name will depend on the mangling used when compiling the kernel, so it is recommended to examine the symbols in the AMDGPU device code module before trying to extract kernels in UR code.

llvm-objdump or readelf may not correctly view the symbols in an AMDGPU device module. It may be necessary to call clang-offload-bundler first in order to extract the ELF file that can be passed to readelf.

$ clang-offload-bundler --unbundle --input=hello.hsaco --output=hello.o         --targets=hipv4-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx906 --type=o
$ readelf hello.o -s | grep mykernel

At present it is not possible to query the names of the kernels in a UR program for HIP, so it is necessary to know the (mangled or otherwise) names of kernels in advance or by some other means.

UR kernels can be dispatched with urEnqueueKernelLaunch. The argument pGlobalWorkOffset can only be used if the kernels have been instrumented to take the extra global offset argument. Use of the global offset is not recommended for non SYCL compiler toolchains. This parameter can be ignored if the user does not wish to use the global offset.

Other Notes#

  • In kernel printf may not work for certain ROCm versions.
