oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)
Performance library for Deep Learning

API Reference


The PReLU primitive (Leaky ReLU with trainable alpha parameter) performs forward or backward operation on 1D, 2D, or 3D spatial data. Weights (alpha) tensor supports broadcast-semantics with 3 different configurations: Channel-wise, Channel-shared (scalar) and Whole-tensor (No broadcast). Broadcast type is assumed based on src and weights dimensions, according to following table:

broadcast type src dimensions weights dimensions
Channel-shared \(\{n, c, h ,w\}\) \(\{1, 1, 1 ,1\}\)
Channel-wise \(\{n, c, h ,w\}\) \(\{1, c, 1 ,1\}\)
Whole-tensor \(\{n, c, h ,w\}\) \(\{n, c, h ,w\}\)


The PReLU operation is defined by the following formulas. We show formulas only for 2D spatial data which are straightforward to generalize to cases of higher and lower dimensions. Variable names follow the standard Naming Conventions. For no broadcast case, results are calculated using formula:

\[ \dst(n, c, h, w) = \begin{cases} \src(n, c, h, w) & \mbox{if } \src(n, c, h, w) > 0 \\ \src(n, c, h, w) \cdot \weights(n, c, h, w) & \mbox{if } \src(n, c, h, w) \leq 0 \end{cases} \]

Depending on broadcast type, result is calculated taking into account shared dimensions of weights tensor.

Difference Between Forward Training and Forward Inference

There is no difference between the dnnl_forward_training and dnnl_forward_inference propagation kinds.


The backward propagation computes \(\diffsrc\) and \(\diffweights\). For no broadcast case, results are calculated using formula:

\[ \begin{align} \mbox{diff_src}(n, c, h, w) &= \begin{cases} \mbox{diff_dst}(n, c, h, w) & \mbox{if } \src(n, c, h, w) > 0 \\ \mbox{diff_dst}(n, c, h, w) \cdot \weights(n, c, h, w) & \mbox{if } \src(n, c, h, w) \leq 0 \end{cases}\\\\ \mbox{diff_weights}(n, c, h, w) &= \min(\src(n, c, h, w), 0) \cdot \mbox{diff_dst}(n, c, h, w) \end{align} \]

Similar to forward propagation, result is calculated taking into account shared dimensions of weights tensor. \(\diffweights\) results are accumulated according to weights tensor shared dimensions, since \(\diffweights\) tensor must match \(\weights\) tensor.

Execution Arguments

When executed, the inputs and outputs should be mapped to an execution argument index as specified by the following table.

Primitive input/output Execution argument index
\(\src\) DNNL_ARG_SRC
\(\dst\) DNNL_ARG_DST
\(\weights\) DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS
\(\diffsrc\) DNNL_ARG_DIFF_SRC
\(\diffdst\) DNNL_ARG_DIFF_DST
\(\diffweights\) DNNL_ARG_DIFF_WEIGHTS

Implementation Details

General Notes

  • Prelu primitive requires all input/output tensors to have the same number of dimensions. Dimension sizes can differ however.
  • \(\weights\) tensor dimensions sizes must match any of broadcast types, which is: Whole-tensor (No broadcast), Channel-wise or Channel-shared (scalar).
  • Prelu primitive requires that \(\diffweights\) tensor has exact same dimensions sizes as \(\weights\) tensor, \(\diffsrc\) as src and \(\diffdst\) as dst.
  • \(\weights\) tensor can be initialized with format_tag::any primitive will match it to data tensor format.

Data Type Support

The PReLU primitive supports the following combinations of data types:

Propagation Source / Destination
forward / backward bf16, f32

Data Representation

The PReLU primitive works with arbitrary data tensors. There is no special meaning associated with any logical dimensions.

Implementation Limitations

Current implementation only supports 1D, 2D and 3D tensors.

Performance Tips

Its recommended to allow PReLU primitive to choose the appropriate weights memory format by passing weights_md with format_tag::any. For best performance, the weights memory format should match data memory format.


Engine Name Com
CPU/GPU Primitive Example This C++ API example demonstrates how to create and execute an PReLU primitive in forward training propagation mode.