Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL)  1.1.3
Performance library for Deep Learning
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations
Operation descriptors


struct  dnnl_convolution_desc_t
 A descriptor of a convolution operation. More...
struct  dnnl_shuffle_desc_t
 A descriptor of a shuffle operation. More...
struct  dnnl_eltwise_desc_t
 A descriptor of a element-wise operation. More...
struct  dnnl_softmax_desc_t
 A descriptor of a Softmax operation. More...
struct  dnnl_pooling_desc_t
 A descriptor of a pooling operation. More...
struct  dnnl_lrn_desc_t
 A descriptor of a Local Response Normalization (LRN) operation. More...
struct  dnnl_batch_normalization_desc_t
 A descriptor of a Batch Normalization operation. More...
struct  dnnl_layer_normalization_desc_t
 A descriptor of a Layer Normalization operation. More...
struct  dnnl_inner_product_desc_t
 A descriptor of an inner product operation. More...
struct  dnnl_rnn_desc_t
 A descriptor for an RNN operation. More...
struct  dnnl_binary_desc_t
 A descriptor of a binary operation. More...


typedef void * dnnl_op_desc_t
 A pointer to any of the operation descriptors.
typedef const void * const_dnnl_op_desc_t
 A pointer to any of the operation descriptors (constant variant).
typedef dnnl_convolution_desc_t dnnl_deconvolution_desc_t
 A descriptor of a deconvolution operation.


enum  dnnl_rnn_flags_t
 Flags for RNN cell.
enum  dnnl_rnn_direction_t { dnnl_unidirectional_left2right, dnnl_unidirectional_right2left, dnnl_bidirectional_concat, dnnl_bidirectional_sum }
 A direction of RNN primitive execution. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dnnl_rnn_direction_t

A direction of RNN primitive execution.


Unidirectional execution of RNN primitive from left to right.


Unidirectional execution of RNN primitive from right to left.


Bidirectional execution of RNN primitive with concatenation of the results.


Bidirectional execution of RNN primitive with summation of the results.