Metric Tracer Experimental Extension¶
- Enumerations
- New Values
Metric type: have only timestamp and value has no meaning.
Metric type: the first event of a start/stop event pair.
Metric type: the second event of a start/stop event pair.
Metric type: value of the event is a monotonic increasing value that can wrap around.
Metric Tracer¶
Metrics collection model that allows retrieving metrics from events generated in asynchronous fashion. A Metrics Tracer is a software interface that allows configuration for collection of such metrics. Collected raw data can be converted into parsable data with the use of a decoder object.
Application can use zetMetricGroupGet to enumerate the list of metric groups and zetMetricGroupGetProperties to get metric group sampling type and search for ZET_METRIC_GROUP_SAMPLING_TYPE_FLAG_EXP_TRACER_BASED.
Use the zetContextActivateMetricGroups API call to configure the device for data collection.
Metric Tracer based collection mode allows the creation of a tracer object for multiple metric groups than can be collected concurrently. Once metric groups are activated the tracer can be created using zetMetricTracerCreateExp. Tracers are created in disabled state, applications have the flexibility to to enable (zetMetricTracerEnableExp) and disable (zetMetricTracerDisableExp) during workload execution to selectively decide sections on which to collect metrics. ata can be retrieved from the tracer with zetMetricTracerReadDataExp.
Metric Tracer collects the data in device specific, raw form that is not suitable for application processing. To convert data into a format that allows application parsing a decoder object can be used. The decoder object is created with zetMetricDecoderCreateExp and data can be converted using zetMetricTracerDecodeExp. Each event in the data is associated with a decodable metric, which can be retrieved with zetMetricDecoderGetDecodableMetricsExp.
Sample Code¶
The following pseudo-code demonstrates how to enumerate Tracer based metric groups and collect data.
zet_metric_group_handle_t hMetricGroup = nullptr; ze_event_handle_t hNotificationEvent = nullptr; ze_event_pool_handle_t hEventPool = nullptr; ze_event_pool_desc_t eventPoolDesc = {ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EVENT_POOL_DESC, nullptr, 0, 1}; ze_event_desc_t eventDesc = {ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EVENT_DESC}; zet_metric_tracer_exp_handle_t hMetricTracer = nullptr; zet_metric_tracer_exp_desc_t tracerDescriptor = { ZET_STRUCTURE_TYPE_METRIC_TRACER_EXP_DESC, nullptr, 1024}; zet_metric_decoder_exp_handle_t hMetricDecoder = nullptr; // Find the first metric group suitable for Tracer Based collection FindMetricGroup(hDevice, ZET_METRIC_GROUP_SAMPLING_TYPE_FLAG_EXP_TRACER_BASED, &hMetricGroup ); // Configure the HW zetContextActivateMetricGroups( hContext, hDevice, /* count= */ 1, &hMetricGroup ); // Create notification event zeEventPoolCreate( hContext, &eventPoolDesc, 1, &hDevice, &hEventPool ); eventDesc.index = 0; eventDesc.signal = ZE_EVENT_SCOPE_FLAG_HOST; eventDesc.wait = ZE_EVENT_SCOPE_FLAG_HOST; zeEventCreate( hEventPool, &eventDesc, &hNotificationEvent ); // Create tracer zetMetricTracerCreateExp(hContext, hDevice, 1, &hMetricGroup , &tracerDescriptor, hNotificationEvent, &hMetricTracer); // create decoder zetMetricDecoderCreateExp( hMetricTracer, &hMetricDecoder); // Get decodable metrics uint32_t numDecodableMetrics = 0; zetMetricDecoderGetDecodableMetricsExp(hMetricDecoder, &numDecodableMetrics, nullptr); std::vector<zet_metric_handle_t>decodableMetrics(numDecodableMetrics); zetMetricDecoderGetDecodableMetricsExp(hMetricDecoder, &numDecodableMetrics,; // Enable the tracer zetMetricTracerEnableExp(hMetricTracer, true); // Run your workload Workload(hDevice); // Wait for data, optional in this example zeEventHostSynchronize( hNotificationEvent, 1000 /*timeout*/ ); // reset the event if it fired // Read raw data size_t rawDataSize = 0; zetMetricTracerReadDataExp(hMetricTracer, &rawDataSize, nullptr); std::vector<uint8_t>rawData(rawDataSize); zetMetricTracerReadDataExp(hMetricTracer, &rawDataSize,; // decode uint32_t totalNumEntries = 0; uint32_t setCount = 0; zetMetricTracerDecodeExp(hMetricDecoder, &rawDataSize,, numDecodableMetrics,, &setCount, nullptr, &totalNumEntries, nullptr); std::vector<ze_metric_entry_exp_t> decodedEntries(totalNumEntries) std::vector<uint32_t> metricEntriesCountPerSet(setCount); zetMetricTracerDecodeExp(hMetricDecoder, &rawDataSize,, numDecodableMetrics,, &setCount,, &totalNumEntries,; uint32_t setEntryStart = 0; for (uint8_t setIndex = 0; setIndex < setCount; setIndex++) { for (uint32_t index = setEntryStart; index < metricEntriesCountPerSet[setIndex]; index++) { zet_metric_entry_exp_t metricEntry = decodedEntries[index]; zet_metric_properties_t metricProperties = {}; zetMetricGetProperties(decodableMetrics[metricEntry.metricIndex], &metricProperties); std::cout << "Component: " << metricProperties.component ". Decodable metric name: " <<; switch (metricProperties.resultType) { case ZET_VALUE_TYPE_UINT8: case ZET_VALUE_TYPE_UINT16: case ZET_VALUE_TYPE_UINT32: std::cout << ".t value: " << metricEntry.value.ui32 << std::endl; break; case ZET_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64: std::cout << ".t value: " << metricEntry.value.ui64 << std::endl; break; case ZET_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT32: std::cout << ".t value: " << metricEntry.value.fp32 << std::endl; break; case ZET_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT64: std::cout << ".t value: " << metricEntry.value.fp64 << std::endl; break; case ZET_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL8: if( metricEntry.value.b8 ){ std::cout << ".t value: true" << std::endl; else std::cout << ".t value: false" << std::endl; } break; default: break; } setEntryStart = metricEntriesCountPerSet[setIndex]; } } // Close metric tracer zetMetricTracerDisableExp(hMetricTracer, true); zetMetricDecoderDestroyExp(hMetricDecoder); zetMetricTracerDestroyExp(hMetricTracer); zeEventDestroy( hNotificationEvent ); zeEventPoolDestroy( hEventPool ); // Clean device configuration and free memory zetContextActivateMetricGroups( hContext, hDevice, 0, nullptr );