Counter-Based Event Pools Extension¶
Counter-Based Events¶
By default, events in Level Zero contains one of two states: signaled or not signaled. Signaling of an event, as well as resetting its state, can be done from either host or device.
Another way of tracking the state of an event is by using a counter, which is incremented every time a task has completed in the device. Using a counter-based event may provide Level Zero driver implementations with the opportunity for both functional and performance optimizations.
The following recommendations and restrictions apply to counter-based events:
Counter-based events can be used only with in-orders lists, whether those are regular or immediate.
Counter-based events must not be reset, i.e., a call to zeEventHostReset or zeCommandListAppendEventReset is not allowed.
Counter-based events must not be signaled from host, i.e., a call to zeEventHostSignal is not allowed.
Counter-based events may be reused multiple times without a need for reset.
Counter-based events may be used on multiple command lists.
Querying a counter-based event queries only the last saved counter value from the last command list that incremented it, i.e., a signaled counter-based event always represents the completion of the last call to which it was passed as signal event.
Synchronizing on a counter-based event waits only for the last saved counter value from the last command list that incremented it.
A counter-based event may be passed as signaling event for a new append call without needing to wait for the signaling of the last call where it was used.
Counter-based events can be created by passing ze_event_pool_counter_based_exp_desc_t to zeEventPoolCreate as pNext member of ze_event_pool_desc_t.
uint32_t numEvents = 2; ze_event_pool_handle_t eventPool = {}; ze_event_pool_desc_t eventPoolDesc = {ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EVENT_POOL_DESC}; eventPoolDesc.count = numEvents; ze_event_pool_counter_based_exp_desc_t counterBasedDesc = {ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COUNTER_BASED_EVENT_POOL_EXP_DESC}; counterBasedDesc.flags = ZE_EVENT_POOL_COUNTER_BASED_EXP_FLAG_IMMEDIATE; eventPoolDesc.pNext = &counterBasedDesc; ze_result_t = zeEventPoolCreate(context, &eventPoolDesc, 1, &device, &eventPool));