This section will walk you through a basic usage of memory provider and pool allocator APIs. There are two examples described here: basic and GPU shared.
Basic example uses OS Memory Provider and Scalable Pool, while the GPU shared uses Level Zero Memory Provider and Disjoint Pool.
There are also other memory providers and pools available in the UMF. See README for more information.
You can find the full example code in the examples/basic/basic.c file in the UMF repository.
Memory provider usage#
First, let’s create a memory provider object for coarse-grained allocations. You have to include the provider_os_memory.h header with the OS Memory Provider API:
#include "umf/providers/provider_os_memory.h"
Get a pointer to the OS memory provider operations struct:
umf_memory_provider_ops_t *provider_ops = umfOsMemoryProviderOps();
Get a default OS memory provider parameters. The handle to the parameters object
is returned by the umfOsMemoryProviderParamsCreate
umf_os_memory_provider_params_handle_t params = NULL;
res = umfOsMemoryProviderParamsCreate(¶ms);
if (res != UMF_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
printf("Failed to create OS memory provider params!\n");
return -1;
The handle to created memory provider
object is returned as the last argument
of umfMemoryProviderCreate
umf_memory_provider_handle_t provider;
umfMemoryProviderCreate(provider_ops, ¶ms, &provider);
- The
object can be destroyed after the provider is created:: umfOsMemoryProviderParamsDestroy(params);
With the provider
handle we can allocate a chunk of memory, call umfMemoryProviderAlloc
size_t alloc_size = 5000;
size_t alignment = 0;
void *ptr_provider = NULL;
umfMemoryProviderAlloc(provider, alloc_size, alignment, &ptr_provider);
To free the memory allocated with a provider
, you have to pass the allocated
size as the last parameter of umfMemoryProviderFree
umfMemoryProviderFree(provider, ptr_provider, alloc_size);
Memory pool usage#
Having created a memory provider
, you can create a Scalable Memory pool
to be used for fine-grained allocations. You have to include
the pool_scalable.h header with the Scalable Memory Pool API:
#include "umf/pools/pool_scalable.h"
Use the default set of operations for the Scalable memory pool by retrieving an address of the default ops struct:
umf_memory_pool_ops_t *pool_ops = umfScalablePoolOps();
Argument pool_params
is not used by the Scalable Pool, set it to NULL
void *pool_params = NULL;
Here we don’t make use of additional flags
See the documentation
for available flags:
umf_pool_create_flags_t flags = 0;
The pool
handle is retrieved as the last argument of
the umfPoolCreate
umf_memory_pool_handle_t pool;
umfPoolCreate(pool_ops, provider, pool_params, flags, &pool);
The pool
has been created, we can allocate some memory now
with i.e. umfPoolCalloc
size_t num = 1;
alloc_size = 128;
char *ptr = umfPoolCalloc(pool, num, alloc_size);
With the memory tracking enabled, we can retrieve the pool handle used for allocating memory:
umf_memory_pool_handle_t check_pool = umfPoolByPtr(ptr);
For any pool, you can retrieve the memory provider’s handle
that was used to create the pool
with umfPoolGetMemoryProvider
umf_memory_provider_handle_t check_provider;
umfPoolGetMemoryProvider(pool, &check_provider);
Freeing memory is as easy as can be:
You can find the full examples code in the examples/memspace directory in the UMF repository.
Custom memory provider#
You can find the full examples code in the examples/custom_file_provider/custom_file_provider.c file in the UMF repository.
IPC example with Level Zero Memory Provider#
The full code of the example is in the examples/ipc_level_zero/ipc_level_zero.c file in the UMF repository. The example demonstrates how to use UMF IPC API. For demonstration purpose the example uses Level Zero memory provider to instantiate a pool. But the same flow will work with any memory provider that supports IPC capabilities.
Here we omit describing how memory pools are created as its orthogonal to the IPC API usage. For more information on how to create memory pools refer to the previous examples. Also for simplification, our example is single process while IPC API targeted for interprocess communication when IPC handle is created by one process to be used in another process.
To use IPC API the umf/ipc.h header should be included.
#include <umf/ipc.h>
To get IPC handle for the memory allocated by UMF the umfGetIPCHandle
function should be used.
umf_ipc_handle_t ipc_handle = NULL;
size_t handle_size = 0;
umf_result_t umf_result = umfGetIPCHandle(initial_buf, &ipc_handle, &handle_size);
The umfGetIPCHandle
function requires only the memory pointer as an input parameter and internally determines
the memory pool to which the memory region belongs. While in our example the umfPoolMalloc
function is called
a few lines before the umfGetIPCHandle
function is called, in a real application, memory might be allocated even
by a different library and the caller of the umfGetIPCHandle
function may not know the corresponding memory pool.
The umfGetIPCHandle
function returns the IPC handle and its size. The IPC handle is a byte-copyable opaque
data structure. The umf_ipc_handle_t
type is defined as a pointer to a byte array. The size of the handle
might be different for different memory provider types. The code snippet below demonstrates how the IPC handle can
be serialized for marshaling purposes.
// Serialize IPC handle
void *serialized_ipc_handle = malloc(handle_size);
memcpy(serialized_ipc_handle, (void*)ipc_handle, handle_size);
The method of sending the IPC handle between processes is not defined by the UMF.
When the IPC handle is transferred
to another process it can be opened by the umfOpenIPCHandle
umf_ipc_handler_handle_t ipc_handler = 0;
umf_result = umfPoolGetIPCHandler(consumer_pool, &ipc_handler);
void *mapped_buf = NULL;
umf_result = umfOpenIPCHandle(ipc_handler, ipc_handle, &mapped_buf);
The umfOpenIPCHandle
function requires the IPC handler and the IPC handle as input parameters. The IPC handler maps
the handle to the current process address space and returns the pointer to the same memory region that was allocated
in the producer process. To retrieve the IPC handler, the umfPoolGetIPCHandler
function is used.
The virtual addresses of the memory region referred to by the IPC handle may not be the same in the producer and consumer processes.
To release IPC handle on the producer side the umfPutIPCHandle
function should be used.
umf_result = umfPutIPCHandle(ipc_handle);
To close IPC handle on the consumer side the umfCloseIPCHandle
function should be used.
umf_result = umfCloseIPCHandle(mapped_buf);
The umfPutIPCHandle
function on the producer side might be called even before the umfCloseIPCHandle
function is called on the consumer side. The memory mappings on the consumer side remains valid until
the umfCloseIPCHandle
function is called.