Building the Project

Build Setup

  1. Install Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler (select the variant as described in Selecting a Compiler).

  2. Clone this project to <path to onemkl>, where <path to onemkl> is the root directory of this repository.

  3. You can Build with Conan to automate the process of getting dependencies or you can download and install the required dependencies manually and Build with CMake directly.


Conan package manager automates the process of getting required packages so that you do not have to go to different web location and follow different instructions to install them.

Build Setup with hipSYCL

  1. Make sure that the dependencies of hipSYCL are fulfilled. For a detailed description, see the hipSYCL installation readme.

  2. Install hipSYCL with the prefered backends enabled. hipSYCL supports various backends. You can customize support for the target system at compile time by setting the appropriate configuration flags; see the hipSYCL documentation for instructions.

  3. Install AMD rocBLAS.

  4. Clone this project to <path to onemkl>, where <path to onemkl> is the root directory of this repository.

  5. Download and install the required dependencies manually and Build with CMake.

Building with Conan

** This method currently works on Linux* only **

** Make sure you have completed Build Setup. **


To understand how dependencies are resolved, refer to “Product and Version Information” under Support and Requirements. For details about Conan package manager, refer to the Conan Documentation.

Getting Conan

Conan can be installed from pip:

pip3 install conan

Setting up Conan

Conan Default Directory

Conan stores all files and data in ~/.conan. If you are fine with this behavior, you can skip to the Conan Profiles section.

To change this behavior, set the environment variable CONAN_USER_HOME to a path of your choice. A .conan/ directory will be created in this path and future Conan commands will use this directory to find configuration files and download dependent packages. Packages will be downloaded into $CONAN_USER_HOME/data. To change the "/data" part of this directory, refer to the [storage] section of conan.conf file.

To make this setting persistent across terminal sessions, you can add the line below to your ~/.bashrc or custom runscript. Refer to the Conan Documentation for more details.

export CONAN_USER_HOME=/usr/local/my_workspace/conan_cache

Conan Profiles

Profiles are a way for Conan to determine a basic environment to use for building a project. This project ships with profiles for:

  • Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler for x86 CPU and Intel GPU backend: inteldpcpp_lnx

  1. Open the profile you wish to use from <path to onemkl>/conan/profiles/ and set COMPILER_PREFIX to the path to the root folder of compiler. The root folder is the one that contains the bin and lib directories. For example, Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler root folder for default installation on Linux is /opt/intel/inteloneapi/compiler/<version>/linux. The user can define a custom path for installing the compiler.

COMPILER_PREFIX=<path to Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Compiler>
  1. You can customize the [env] section of the profile based on individual requirements.

  2. Install configurations for this project:

    # Inside <path to onemkl>
    $ conan config install conan/

    This command installs all contents of <path to onemkl>/conan/, most importantly profiles, to conan default directory.


If you change the profile, you must re-run the above command before you can use the new profile.


  1. Out-of-source build

    # Inside <path to onemkl>
    mkdir build && cd build
  2. If you choose to build backends with the Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library, install the GPG key as mentioned here:

  3. Install dependencies

    conan install .. --profile <profile_name> --build missing [-o <option1>=<value1>] [-o <option2>=<value2>]

    The conan install command downloads and installs all requirements for the oneMKL DPC++ Interfaces project as defined in <path to onemkl>/ based on the options passed. It also creates conanbuildinfo.cmake file that contains information about all dependencies and their directories. This file is used in top-level CMakeLists.txt.

-pr | --profile <profile_name> Defines a profile for Conan to use for building the project.

-b | --build <package_name|missing> Tells Conan to build or re-build a specific package. If missing is passed as a value, all missing packages are built. This option is recommended when you build the project for the first time, because it caches required packages. You can skip this option for later use of this command.

  1. Build Project .. code-block:: sh

    conan build .. [–configure] [–build] [–test] # Default is all

The conan build command executes the build() procedure from <path to onemkl>/ Since this project uses CMake, you can choose to configure, build, test individually or perform all steps by passing no optional arguments.

  1. Optionally, you can also install the package. Similar to cmake --install . --prefix <install_dir>.

conan package .. --build-folder . --install-folder <install_dir>

-bf | --build-folder Tells Conan where to find the built project.

-if | --install-folder Tells Conan where to install the package. It is similar to specifying CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX


For a detailed list of commands and options, refer to the Conan Command Reference.

Conan Build Options


  • build_doc=[True | False]. Setting it to True enables the building of rst files to generate HTML files for updated documentation. The default value is False.


For a mapping between Conan and CMake options, refer to Building with CMake.


Build oneMKL as a static library for oneMKL cpu and gpu backend:

# Inside <path to onemkl>
mkdir build && cd build
conan install .. --build missing --profile inteldpcpp_lnx -o build_shared_libs=False
conan build ..

Building with CMake

  1. Make sure you have completed Build Setup.

  2. Build and install all required dependencies.

Building for oneMKL

  • On Linux*

    # Inside <path to onemkl>
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. [-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<path_to_dpcpp_compiler>/bin/dpcpp]  # required only if dpcpp is not found in environment variable PATH
             [-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<path_to_icx_compiler>/bin/icx]        # required only if icx is not found in environment variable PATH
             [-DMKL_ROOT=<mkl_install_prefix>]                          # required only if environment variable MKLROOT is not set
             [-DREF_BLAS_ROOT=<reference_blas_install_prefix>]          # required only for testing
             [-DREF_LAPACK_ROOT=<reference_lapack_install_prefix>]      # required only for testing
    cmake --build .
    cmake --install . --prefix <path_to_install_dir>
  • On Windows*

    # Inside <path to onemkl>
    md build && cd build
    cmake .. -G Ninja [-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<path_to_dpcpp_compiler>\bin\dpcpp]  # required only if dpcpp is not found in environment variable PATH
                      [-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<path_to_icx_compiler>\bin\icx]        # required only if icx is not found in environment variable PATH
                      [-DMKL_ROOT=<mkl_install_prefix>]                          # required only if environment variable MKLROOT is not set
                      [-DREF_BLAS_ROOT=<reference_blas_install_prefix>]          # required only for testing
                      [-DREF_LAPACK_ROOT=<reference_lapack_install_prefix>]      # required only for testing
    cmake --install . --prefix <path_to_install_dir>

Building for CUDA

  • On Linux*

With the cuBLAS backend:

# Inside <path to onemkl>
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. [-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<path_to_clang++_compiler>/bin/clang++]  # required only if clang++ is not found in environment variable PATH
         [-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<path_to_clang_compiler>/bin/clang]        # required only if clang is not found in environment variable PATH
         -DENABLE_MKLCPU_BACKEND=False                                  # disable Intel MKL CPU backend
         -DENABLE_MKLGPU_BACKEND=False                                  # disable Intel MKL GPU backend
         [-DREF_BLAS_ROOT=<reference_blas_install_prefix>]              # required only for testing
cmake --build .
cmake --install . --prefix <path_to_install_dir>

To build with the cuRAND backend instead simply replace:




Building for ROCm (with hipSYCL)

With the AMD rocBLAS backend:

  • On Linux*

# Inside <path to onemkl>
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DENABLE_CUBLAS_BACKEND=False                     \
         -DENABLE_MKLCPU_BACKEND=False/True                  # hipSYCL supports MKLCPU backend
         -DENABLE_NETLIB_BACKEND=False/True                  # hipSYCL supports NETLIB backend
         -DENABLE_MKLGPU_BACKEND=False                       # disable Intel MKL GPU backend
         -DENABLE_ROCBLAS_BACKEND=True                     \
         -DTARGET_DOMAINS=blas                               # hipSYCL only supports the BLAS domain
         -DHIPSYCL_TARGETS=omp\;hip:gfx906                   # Specify the targetted device architectures
         -DONEMKL_SYCL_IMPLEMENTATION=hipSYCL                # Use the hipSYCL cmake integration
         [-DREF_BLAS_ROOT=<reference_blas_install_prefix>]   # required only for testing
cmake --build .
cmake --install . --prefix <path_to_install_dir>

AMD GPU device architectures

The device architecture can be retrieved via the rocminfo tool. The architecture will be displayed in the Name: row.

A few often-used architectures are listed below:


AMD GPU name


AMD Radeon Instinct(TM) MI50/60 Accelerator
AMD Radeon(TM) (Pro) VII Graphics Card


AMD Instinct(TM) MI 100 Accelerator


Radeon Instinct(TM) MI 25 Accelerator
Radeon(TM) RX Vega 64/56 Graphics

Build Options

When building oneMKL the SYCL implementation can be determined, by setting the ONEMKL_SYCL_IMPLEMENTATION option. Possible values are:

All options specified in the Conan section are available to CMake. You can specify these options using -D<cmake_option>=<value>.

The following table provides a detailed mapping of options between Conan and CMake.

Conan Option

CMake Option

Supported Values

Default Value



True, False




True, False




True, False


Not Supported


True, False


Not Supported


True, False


Not Supported


True, False


Not Supported


True, False


Not Supported


True, False




True, False




True, False




True, False


target_domains (list)


blas, lapack, rng

All domains


build_functional_tests and related CMake options affect all domains at a global scope.


When building with hipSYCL, you must additionally provide -DHIPSYCL_TARGETS according to the targeted hardware. For the options, see the tables in the hipSYCL-specific sections.

Project Cleanup

Most use-cases involve building the project without the need to cleanup the build directory. However, if you wish to cleanup the build directory, you can delete the build folder and create a new one. If you wish to cleanup the build files but retain the build configuration, following commands will help you do so. They apply to both Conan and CMake methods of building this project.

# If you use "GNU/Unix Makefiles" for building,
make clean

# If you use "Ninja" for building
ninja -t clean