Inclusive Scan#

inclusive_scan Function Template#

The inclusive_scan function computes the inclusive prefix sum using a given binary operation. The function implements a single-pass algorithm, where each input element is read exactly once from global memory and each output element is written to exactly once in global memory. This function is an implementation of the Decoupled Look-back 1 scan algorithm.

The algorithm is designed to be compatible with a variety of devices that provide at least parallel forward progress guarantees between work-groups, due to cross-work-group communication. Additionally, it requires support for device USM (Unified Shared Memory). It has been verified to be compatible with Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series.

A synopsis of the inclusive_scan function is provided below:

// defined in <oneapi/dpl/experimental/kernel_templates>

namespace oneapi::dpl::experimental::kt::gpu {

template <typename InIterator, typename OutIterator, typename BinaryOp>
inclusive_scan (sycl::queue q, InIterator in_begin, InIterator in_end, OutIterator out_begin,
                BinaryOp binary_op, KernelParam param); // (1)

template <typename InRng, typename OutRng, typename BinaryOp>
inclusive_scan (sycl::queue q, InRng in_rng, OutRng out_rng, BinaryOp binary_op,
                KernelParam param) // (2)






The SYCL* queue where kernels are submitted.

  • in_begin, in_end, out_begin (1),

  • in_rng, out_rng (2).

The sequences to apply the algorithm to. Supported sequence types:


A function object that is applied to the elements of the input.


A kernel_param object.

Type Requirements:

  • The element type of sequence to scan must be a 32-bit or 64-bit bit C++ integral or floating-point type.

  • The result is non-deterministic if the binary operator is non-associative (such as in floating-point addition) or non-commutative.


Current limitations:

  • The function will internally block until the issued kernels have completed execution. Although intended in the future to be an asynchronous call, the algorithm is currently synchronous.

  • The SYCL device associated with the provided queue must support 64-bit atomic operations if the element type is 64-bits.

  • There must be a known identity value for the provided combination of the element type and the binary operation. That is, sycl::has_known_identity_v must evaluate to true. Such operators are listed in the SYCL 2020 specification.

Return Value#

A sycl::event object representing the status of the algorithm execution.

Usage Examples#

inclusive_scan Example#

// possible build and run commands:
//    icpx -fsycl inclusive_scan.cpp -o inclusive_scan -I /path/to/oneDPL/include && ./inclusive_scan

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>

#include <oneapi/dpl/experimental/kernel_templates>

namespace kt = oneapi::dpl::experimental::kt;

int main()
   std::size_t n = 6;
   sycl::queue q{sycl::gpu_selector_v};
   std::uint32_t* arr = sycl::malloc_shared<std::uint32_t>(n, q);
   std::uint32_t* out = sycl::malloc_shared<std::uint32_t>(n, q);

   // initialize
   arr[0] = 1, arr[1] = 2, arr[2] = 1, arr[3] = 3, arr[4] = 1, arr[5] = 2;

   // scan
   auto e = kt::gpu::inclusive_scan(q, arr, arr + n, out, std::plus<std::uint32_t>{}, kt::kernel_param<256, 8>{});

   // print
   for(std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      std::cout << out[i] << ' ';
   std::cout << '\n';

   sycl::free(arr, q);
   sycl::free(out, q);
   return 0;


1 3 4 7 8 10

Memory Requirements#

The algorithm uses global and local device memory (see SYCL 2020 Specification) for intermediate data storage. For the algorithm to operate correctly, there must be enough memory on the device. It throws a std::bad_alloc exception if there is not enough global device memory. The behavior is undefined if there is not enough local memory. The amount of memory that is required depends on input data and configuration parameters, as described below.

Global Memory Requirements#

Global memory is used for copying the input sequence and storing internal data such as status flags. The used amount depends on many parameters; below is an approximation in bytes:

2 * V * N flags + 4 * N flags

where V is the number of bytes needed to store the input value type.

The value of Nflags represents the number of work-groups and depends on param.data_per_workitem and param.workgroup_size. It can be approximated by dividing the number of input elements N by the product of param.data_per_workitem and param.workgroup_size.


If the number of input elements can be efficiently processed by a single work-group, the kernel template is executed by a single work-group and does not use any global memory.

Local Memory Requirements#

Local memory is used for storing elements of the input that are to be scanned by a single work-group. The used amount is denoted as Nelems_per_workgroup, which equals to sizeof(key_type) * param.data_per_workitem * param.workgroup_size.

Some amount of local memory is also used by the calls to SYCL’s group reduction and group scan. The amount of memory used particularly for these calls is implementation dependent.