.. index:: pair: page; StaticReshape .. _doxid-dev_guide_op_staticreshape: StaticReshape ============= General ~~~~~~~ StaticReshape operation changes dimensions of :math:`\src` tensor according to the specified shape. The volume of :math:`\src` is equal to :math:`\dst`, where volume is the product of dimensions. :math:`\dst` may have a different memory layout from :math:`\src`. StaticReshape operation is not guaranteed to return a view or a copy of :math:`\src` when :math:`\dst` is in-placed with the :math:`\src`. StaticReshape can be used where if shape is stored in a constant node or available during graph building stage. Then shape can be passed via ``shape`` attribute. Operation attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================================================================= =========================================================== ======= =============================== ========= Attribute Name De ========================================================================================================================= =========================================================== ======= =============================== ========= :ref:`shape ` Specifies rules used for auto-broadcasting of src tensors. string ``none`` , ``numpy`` (default) Required :ref:`special_zero ` Controls how zero values in shape are interpreted. bool ``true`` , ``false`` Required ========================================================================================================================= =========================================================== ======= =============================== ========= .. note:: ``shape`` : dimension ``-1`` means that this dimension is calculated to keep the same overall elements count as the src tensor. That case that more than one ``-1`` in the shape is not supported. .. note:: ``special_zero`` : if false, ``0`` in the shape is interpreted as-is (for example a zero-dimension tensor); if true, then all ``0`` s in shape implies the copying of corresponding dimensions from src into dst. Execution arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The inputs and outputs must be provided according to below index order when constructing an operation. Inputs ------ ====== ============== ===================== Index Argument Name Required or Optional ====== ============== ===================== 0 ``src`` Required ====== ============== ===================== Outputs ------- ====== ============== ===================== Index Argument Name Required or Optional ====== ============== ===================== 0 ``dst`` Required ====== ============== ===================== Supported data types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ StaticReshape operation supports the following data type combinations. ===== ===== Src Dst ===== ===== f32 f32 bf16 bf16 f16 f16 ===== =====