.. index:: pair: page; PReLUBackward .. _doxid-dev_guide_op_prelubackward: PReLUBackward ============= General ~~~~~~~ PReLUBackward operation computes gradient for PReLU. Operation attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ======================================================================================================================== ====================================================== ======= ============================ ========= Attribute Name Descr ======================================================================================================================== ====================================================== ======= ============================ ========= :ref:`data_format ` Denotes the data format of the input and output data. string ``NCX`` , ``NXC`` (default) Optional ======================================================================================================================== ====================================================== ======= ============================ ========= Broadcasting Rules ------------------ Only slope tensor supports broadcasting semantics. Slope tensor is uni-directionally broadcasted to :math:`\src` if one of the following rules is met: #. PyTorch case: slope is 1D tensor and broadcast per channel, length of slope is equal to the length of :math:`\src` in channel dimension. #. PyTorch case: slope is 1D tensor and broadcast per tensor, length of slope is equal to 1. #. Tensorflow case: slope is nD tensor and its dimensions must be equal to the :math:`\src` dimensions starting from the second element: :math:`slope\_shape = input\_forward\_shape[1:]` Execution arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The inputs and outputs must be provided according to below index order when constructing an operation. Inputs ------ ====== ============= ========= Index Argu ====== ============= ========= 0 ``src`` Required 1 ``slope`` Required 2 ``diff_dst`` Required ====== ============= ========= Outputs ------- ====== =============== ========= Index Argu ====== =============== ========= 0 ``diff_src`` Required 1 ``diff_slope`` Required ====== =============== ========= Supported data types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PReLUBackward operation supports the following data type combinations. ===== ====== ========= ===== ===== Src Slope Diff_dst ===== ====== ========= ===== ===== f32 f32 f32 f32 f32 bf16 bf16 bf16 bf16 bf16 f16 f16 f16 f16 f16 ===== ====== ========= ===== =====