.. index:: pair: page; Interpolate .. _doxid-dev_guide_op_interpolate: Interpolate =========== General ~~~~~~~ Interpolate layer performs interpolation on :math:`\src` tensor at spatial dimensions. Operation attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =========================================================================================================================================== ========================================================================================================== ======= =========================================================== ========= Attribute Name Des =========================================================================================================================================== ========================================================================================================== ======= =========================================================== ========= :ref:`mode ` Specifies type of interpolation. string ``nearest`` , ``linear`` , ``bilinear`` , ``trilinear`` Required :ref:`coordinate_transformation_mode ` Specifies how to transform the coordinate in the resized tensor to the coordinate in the original tensor. string ``half_pixel`` (default), ``align_corners`` Optional :ref:`sizes ` Specifies dst shape for spatial axes. s64 A s64 list containing positive values, ``none`` is default Optional :ref:`scales ` Specifies ``scales`` for spatial axes. f32 A f32 list, ``none`` is default Optional :ref:`data_format ` Controls how to interpret the shape of ``src`` and ``dst`` . string ``NCX`` , ``NXC`` (default) Optional =========================================================================================================================================== ========================================================================================================== ======= =========================================================== ========= .. note:: Either ``sizes`` or ``scales`` should be provided. When ``sizes`` is used, ``scales`` will be ignored. .. note:: The attribute ``coordinate_transformation_mode`` is the name of transformation mode in string format. Here ``scale[x]`` is ``dst_shape[x]/src_shape[x]`` and ``x_resized`` is a coordinate in axis ``x``,for any axis ``x`` from the src axis. For ``half_pixel`` : the coordinate in the original tensor axis ``x`` is calculated as ``((x_resized + 0.5) / scale[x]) - 0.5``. For ``align_corners`` : the coordinate in the original tensor axis ``x`` is calculated as 0 if ``dst_shape[x] == 1`` else ``x_resized * (src_shape[x] - 1) / (dst_shape[x] - 1)``. Execution arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The inputs and outputs must be provided according to below index order when constructing an operation. Inputs ------ ====== ========== ========= Index Argu ====== ========== ========= 0 ``src`` Required 1 ``sizes`` Optional ====== ========== ========= .. note:: ``sizes`` is a 1D tensor describing output shape for spatial axes. It is a non-differentiable tensor. Outputs ------- ====== ======== ========= Index Argu ====== ======== ========= 0 ``dst`` Required ====== ======== ========= .. note:: The shape of the dst matches src shape except spatial dimensions. For spatial dimensions, they should match sizes from sizes or calculated from ``scales`` attribute. Supported data types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interpolate operation supports the following data type combinations. ======== ==== Src/Dst ======== ==== f32 s32 bf16 s32 f16 s3 ======== ====