.. index:: pair: page; CPU Dispatcher Control .. _doxid-dev_guide_cpu_dispatcher_control: CPU Dispatcher Control ====================== oneDNN uses JIT code generation to implement most of its functionality and will choose the best code based on detected processor features. Sometimes it is necessary to control which features oneDNN detects. This is sometimes useful for debugging purposes or for performance exploration. Build-time Controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At build-time, support for this feature is controlled via cmake option ``ONEDNN_ENABLE_MAX_CPU_ISA``. ========================== ==================================== ================================================================================ CMake Option Supported values (defaults in bold) Desc ========================== ==================================== ================================================================================ ONEDNN_ENABLE_MAX_CPU_ISA **ON** , OFF Enables :ref:`CPU dispatcher controls ` ========================== ==================================== ================================================================================ Runtime Controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the feature is enabled at build-time, the ``ONEDNN_MAX_CPU_ISA`` environment variable can be used to limit processor features oneDNN is able to detect to certain Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and older instruction sets. It can also be used to enable ISAs with initial support in the library that are otherwise disabled by default. ===================== ===================== ==================================================================================================================================================================================== Environment variable Value Desc ===================== ===================== ==================================================================================================================================================================================== ONEDNN_MAX_CPU_ISA SSE41 Intel Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1 (Intel SSE4.1) \ AVX Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel AVX) \ AVX2 Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (Intel AVX2) \ AVX2_VNNI Intel AVX2 with Intel Deep Learning Boost (Intel DL Boost) \ AVX512_CORE Intel AVX-512 with AVX512BW, AVX512VL, and AVX512DQ extensions \ AVX512_CORE_VNNI Intel AVX-512 with Intel DL Boost \ AVX512_CORE_BF16 Intel AVX-512 with Intel DL Boost and bfloat16 support \ AVX512_CORE_FP16 Intel AVX-512 with float16 and Intel DL Boost and bfloat16 \ AVX512_CORE_AMX Intel AVX-512 with float16, Intel DL Boost and bfloat16 support and Intel Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel AMX) with 8-bit integer and bfloat16 support \ **DEFAULT** **No restrictions on the above ISAs, but excludes the below ISAs with preview support in the library (default)** \ AVX2_VNNI_2 Intel AVX2 with Intel Deep Learning Boost (Intel DL Boost) with 8-bit integer, float16 and bfloat16 support (preview support) \ AVX512_CORE_AMX_FP16 Intel AVX-512 with float16, Intel DL Boost and bfloat16 support and Intel Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel AMX) with 8-bit integer, bfloat16 and float16 support (preview support) ===================== ===================== ==================================================================================================================================================================================== .. note:: The ISAs are partially ordered: * SSE41 < AVX < AVX2 < AVX2_VNNI < AVX2_VNNI_2, * AVX2 < AVX512_CORE < AVX512_CORE_VNNI < AVX512_CORE_BF16 < AVX512_CORE_FP16 < AVX512_CORE_AMX < AVX512_CORE_AMX_FP16, * AVX2_VNNI < AVX512_CORE_FP16. This feature can also be managed at runtime with the following functions: * :ref:`dnnl::set_max_cpu_isa ` function allows changing the ISA at runtime. The limitation is that it is possible to set the value only once. This ensures that the JIT-ed code observe consistent CPU features both during generation and execution. In addition, it is advised to call this function before any other oneDNN API. This is because the first internal ISA query will disable the ability to change the ISA. Once disabled, changing the ISA will return an error. * :ref:`dnnl::get_effective_cpu_isa ` function returns the currently used CPU ISA which is the highest available CPU ISA by default. Function settings take precedence over environment variables.