Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL)  1.3.0
Performance library for Deep Learning
Linking to the Library

Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL) includes several header files providing C and C++ APIs for the functionality and one or several libraries depending on how DNNL was built.

Header Files

File Desc
include/dnnl.h C header
include/dnnl.hpp C++ header
include/dnnl_types.h Auxiliary C header
include/dnnl_config.h Auxiliary C header
include/dnnl_version.h C header with version information



File Desc
lib/ DNNL dynamic library
lib/libdnnl.a DNNL static library (if built with DNNL_LIBRARY_TYPE=STATIC)


File Desc
lib/libdnnl.dylib DNNL dynamic library
lib/libdnnl.a DNNL static library (if built with DNNL_LIBRARY_TYPE=STATIC)


File Desc
bin\dnnl.dll DNNL dynamic library
lib\dnnl.lib DNNL import or full static library (the latter if built with DNNL_LIBRARY_TYPE=STATIC)

Linking to DNNL

The examples below assume that DNNL is installed in the directory defined in the DNNLROOT environment variable.


g++ -std=c++11 -I${DNNLROOT}/include -L${DNNLROOT}/lib simple_net.cpp -ldnnl
clang++ -std=c++11 -I${DNNLROOT}/include -L${DNNLROOT}/lib simple_net.cpp -ldnnl
icpc -std=c++11 -I${DNNLROOT}/include -L${DNNLROOT}/lib simple_net.cpp -ldnnl
Applications linked dynamically will resolve the dependencies at runtime. Make sure that the dependencies are available in the standard locations defined by the operating system, in the locations listed in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (macOS) environment variable or the rpath mechanism.

Support for macOS hardened runtime

DNNL requires the entitlement when it is integrated with an application that uses the macOS hardened runtime. This requirement comes from the fact that DNNL generates executable code on the fly and does not sign it.

It can be enabled in Xcode or passed to codesign like this:

codesign -s "Your identity" --options runtime --entitlements Entitlements.plist [other options...] /path/to/libdnnl.dylib

Example Entitlements.plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


To link the application from the command line, set up the LIB and INCLUDE environment variables to point to the locations of the DNNL headers and libraries.

icl /I%DNNLROOT%\include /Qstd=c++11 /qopenmp simple_net.cpp %DNNLROOT%\lib\dnnl.lib
cl /I%DNNLROOT%\include simple_net.cpp %DNNLROOT%\lib\dnnl.lib

Refer to the Microsoft Visual Studio documentation on linking the application using MSVS solutions.

Applications linked dynamically will resolve the dependencies at runtime. Make sure that the dependencies are available in the standard locations defined by the operating system or in the locations listed in the PATH environment variable.