.. index:: pair: page; BatchNormInference .. _doxid-dev_guide_op_batchnorminference: BatchNormInference ================== General ~~~~~~~ The formula is the same as :ref:`Batch Normalization primitive ` like below. .. math:: \dst(n, c, h, w) = \gamma(c) \cdot \frac{\src(n, c, h, w) - \mu(c)} {\sqrt{\sigma^2(c) + \varepsilon}} + \beta(c), where * :math:`\gamma(c), \beta(c)` are required scale and shift for a channel, * :math:`\mu(c), \sigma^2(c)` are mean and variance for a channel, and * :math:`\varepsilon` is a constant to improve numerical stability. Operation attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ======================================================================================================================== ================================================================ =========== ============================ ===================== Attribute Name Description Value Type Supported Values Required or Optional ======================================================================================================================== ================================================================ =========== ============================ ===================== :ref:`epsilon ` A number to be added to the variance to avoid division by zero. f32 A positive float value Required :ref:`data_format ` Controls how to interpret the shape of ``src`` and ``dst`` . string ``NCX`` , ``NXC`` (default) Optional ======================================================================================================================== ================================================================ =========== ============================ ===================== Execution arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The inputs and outputs must be provided according to below index order when constructing an operation. Inputs ------ ====== ================================== ===================== Index Argument Name Required or Optional ====== ================================== ===================== 0 ``src`` Required 1 ``gamma`` Required 2 ``beta`` Required 3 ``mean`` Required 4 ``variance`` ( :math:`\sigma^2` ) Required ====== ================================== ===================== Outputs ------- ====== ============== ===================== Index Argument Name Required or Optional ====== ============== ===================== 0 ``dst`` Required ====== ============== ===================== Supported data types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BatchNormInference operation supports the following data type combinations. ========== =============================== Src / Dst Gamma / Beta / Mean / Variance ========== =============================== f32 f32 bf16 f32, bf16 f16 f32 ========== ===============================