
* Copyright 2023 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

#include "example_util/utils.hpp"

#include "oneapi/dal/table/csr.hpp"
#include "oneapi/dal/table/common.hpp"

#include "oneapi/dal/table/csr_accessor.hpp"

// Generate offsets expecting the table
// to have various amounts of data
// in each row
template <typename Index = std::int64_t>
dal::array<Index> generate_offsets(std::int64_t row_count, std::int64_t column_count) {
    const std::int64_t offset_count = row_count + 1l;
    Index* const raw_data = new Index[offset_count];

    for (std::int64_t row = 0l; row < offset_count; ++row) {
        raw_data[row] = static_cast<Index>(row);

    std::partial_sum(raw_data, raw_data + offset_count, raw_data);

    return dal::array<Index>(raw_data,
                             offset_count, //
                             [](Index* const ptr) -> void {
                                 delete[] ptr;

// Generate indices knowing, from the `offsets` array,
// how many elements should be in each row
template <typename Index = std::int64_t>
dal::array<Index> generate_indices(std::int64_t column_count, const dal::array<Index>& offsets) {
    const std::int64_t offset_count = offsets.get_count();
    const std::int64_t row_count = offset_count - 1l;
    const std::int64_t element_count = offsets[row_count];

    Index* const raw_data = new Index[element_count];

    for (std::int64_t row = 0l; row < row_count; ++row) {
        const std::int64_t first = offsets[row];
        const std::int64_t last = offsets[row + 1l];
        const std::int64_t count = last - first;

        for (std::int64_t col = 0l; col < count; ++col) {
            const std::int64_t column = column_count - col - 1l;
            raw_data[first + col] = static_cast<Index>(column);

        std::sort(raw_data + first, raw_data + last);

    return dal::array<Index>(raw_data,
                             element_count, //
                             [](Index* const ptr) -> void {
                                 delete[] ptr;

// Generate data for the table in a deterministic way
template <typename Type = float, typename Index = std::int64_t>
dal::array<Type> generate_data(const dal::array<Index>& offsets) {
    const std::int64_t offset_count = offsets.get_count();
    const std::int64_t element_count = offsets[offset_count - 1];

    Type* const raw_data = new Type[element_count];

    for (std::int64_t i = 0l; i < element_count; ++i) {
        raw_data[i] = static_cast<Type>(element_count - i);

    return dal::array<Type>(raw_data,
                            element_count, //
                            [](Type* const ptr) -> void {
                                delete[] ptr;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    constexpr std::int64_t row_count = 4;
    constexpr std::int64_t column_count = 10;

    // Generate data on the host
    auto offsets = generate_offsets(row_count, column_count);
    auto indices = generate_indices(column_count, offsets);
    auto data = generate_data(offsets);

    // Wrap previously generated data
    dal::csr_table test_table = dal::csr_table::wrap(data, //

    // Sanity checks for the table shape
    std::cout << "Number of rows in table: " << test_table.get_row_count() << '\n';
    std::cout << "Number of columns in table: " << test_table.get_column_count() << '\n';

    // Check the type of abstract table
    const bool is_csr = test_table.get_kind() == dal::csr_table::kind();
    std::cout << "Is CSR table: " << is_csr << '\n';

    // Extract CSR slice of data on the host
    dal::csr_accessor<const double> accessor{ test_table };
    auto [slice_data, slice_indices, slice_offsets] = accessor.pull({ 1, 3 });

    // Print components of slice: data, indices, offsets
    std::cout << "Slice of elements (compressed): " << slice_data << '\n';
    std::cout << "Slice of indices (compressed): " << slice_indices << '\n';
    std::cout << "Slice of offsets: " << slice_offsets << std::endl;

    return 0;