Distributed Processing

The distributed processing mode assumes that the data set R is split in nblocks blocks across computation nodes.


In the distributed processing mode, initialization of item factors for the implicit ALS algorithm has the following parameters:

Parameters for Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization (Distributed Processing)


Default Value




The floating-point type that the algorithm uses for intermediate computations. Can be float or double.



Performance-oriented computation method for CSR numeric tables, the only method supported by the algorithm.



The total number of factors.



The total number of users \(m\).


Not applicable

A numeric table of size either \(1 \times 1\) that provides the number of input data parts or \((\mathrm{nblocks} + 1) \times 1\), where nblocks is the number of input data parts, and the \(i\)-th element contains the offset of the transposed \(i\)-th data part to be computed by the initialization algorithm.


SharePtr< engines:: mt19937:: Batch>()

Pointer to the random number generator engine that is used internally at the initialization step.

To initialize the implicit ALS algorithm in the distributed processing mode, use the one-step process illustrated by the following diagram for \(\mathrm{nblocks} = 3\):

Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization: General Schema of Distributed Processing

Step 1 - on Local Nodes

Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization: Distributed Processing, Step 1 - on Local Nodes


In the distributed processing mode, initialization of item factors for the implicit ALS algorithm accepts the input described below. Pass the Input ID as a parameter to the methods that provide input for your algorithm. For more details, see Algorithms.

Input for Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization (Distributed Processing, Step 1)

Input ID



An \(n_i \times m\) numeric table with the part of the input data set. Each node holds \(n_i\) rows of the full transposed input data set \(R^T\).

The input should be an object of CSRNumericTable class.


In the distributed processing mode, initialization of item factors for the implicit ALS algorithm calculates the results described below. Pass the Partial Result ID as a parameter to the methods that access the results of your algorithm. Partial results that correspond to the outputOfInitForComputeStep3 and offsets Partial Result IDs should be transferred to Step 3 of the distributed ALS training algorithm.

Output of Initialization for Computing Step 3 (outputOfInitForComputeStep3) is a key-value data collection that maps components of the partial model on the \(i\)-th node to all local nodes. Keys in this data collection are indices of the nodes and the value that corresponds to each key \(i\) is a numeric table that contains indices of the factors of the items to be transferred to the \(i\)-th node on Step 3 of the distributed ALS training algorithm.

User Offsets (offsets) is a key-value data collection, where the keys are indices of the nodes and the value that correspond to the key \(i\) is a numeric table of size \(1 \times 1\) that contains the value of the starting offset of the user factors stored on the \(i\)-th node.

For more details, see Algorithms.

Output for Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization (Distributed Processing, Step 1)

Partial Result ID



The model with initialized item factors. The result can only be an object of the PartialModel class.


A key-value data collection that maps components of the partial model to the local nodes.


A key-value data collection of size nblocks that holds the starting offsets of the factor indices on each node.


A key-value data collection of size nblocks that contains the parts of the input numeric table: \(j\) -th element of this collection is a numeric table of size \(m_j \times n_i\), where \(m_1 + \ldots + m_{\mathrm{nblocks}} = m\) and the values \(m_j\) are defined by the partition parameter.

Step 2 - on Local Nodes

Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization: Distributed Processing, Step 2 - on Local Nodes


This step uses the results of the previous step.

Input for Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization (Distributed Processing, Step 3)

Input ID



A key-value data collection of size nblocks that contains the parts of the input data set: \(i\) -th element of this collection is a numeric table of size \(m_i \times n_i\). Each numeric table in the collection should be an object of CSRNumericTable class.


In this step, implicit ALS initialization calculates the partial results described below. Pass the Partial Result ID as a parameter to the methods that access the results of your algorithm. Partial results that correspond to the outputOfInitForComputeStep3 and offsets Partial Result IDs should be transferred to Step 3 of the distributed ALS training algorithm.

Output of Initialization for Computing Step 3 (outputOfInitForComputeStep3) is a key-value data collection that maps components of the partial model on the \(i\)-th node to all local nodes. Keys in this data collection are indices of the nodes and the value that corresponds to each key i is a numeric table that contains indices of the user factors to be transferred to the i-th node on Step 3 of the distributed ALS training algorithm.

Item Offsets (offsets) is a key-value data collection, where the keys are indices of the nodes and the value that correspond to the key \(i\) is a numeric table of size \(1 \times 1\) that contains the value of the starting offset of the item factors stored on the \(i\)-th node.

For more details, see Algorithms.

Output for Implicit Alternating Least Squares Initialization (Distributed Processing, Step 2)

Partial Result ID



An \(m_j \times n\) numeric table with the mining data. \(j\)-th node gets \(m_j\) rows of the full input data set \(R\).


A key-value data collection that maps components of the partial model to the local nodes.


A key-value data collection of size nblocks that holds the starting offsets of the factor indices on each node.