Logistic Regression

The Logistic Regression algorithm solves the classification problem and predicts class labels and probabilities of objects belonging to each class.


Computational methods

Programming Interface











Mathematical formulation

Refer to Developer Guide: Logistic Regression.

Programming Interface

All types and functions are declared in the oneapi::dal::logistic_regression namespace and available via the inclusion of the oneapi/dal/algo/logistic_regression.hpp header file.

Result Options

class result_option_id

Public Methods

constexpr result_option_id() = default
constexpr result_option_id(const result_option_id_base &base)


template<typename Float = float, typename Method = method::by_default, typename Task = task::by_default, typename Optimizer = oneapi::dal::newton_cg::descriptor<Float>>
class descriptor
Template Parameters
  • Float – The floating-point type that the algorithm uses for intermediate computations. Can be float or double.

  • Method – Tag-type that specifies an implementation of algorithm. Can be method::dense_batch or method::sparse.

  • Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification.

  • Optimizer – The descriptor of the optimizer used for minimization. Can be newton_cg::descriptor.


descriptor(bool compute_intercept = true, double C = 1.0)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given compute_intercept and C.

descriptor(bool compute_intercept, double C, const optimizer_t &optimizer)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given compute_intercept, C and optimizer.


double inverse_regularization

Defines inverse regularization factor.

Getter & Setter
double get_inverse_regularization() const
auto & set_inverse_regularization(double C) const
std::int64_t class_count

Defines number of classes.

Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_class_count() const
auto & set_class_count(std::int64_t class_count) const
const optimizer_t &optimizer
Getter & Setter
const optimizer_t & get_optimizer() const
auto & set_optimizer(const optimizer_t &opt)
bool compute_intercept

Defines should intercept be taken into consideration.

Getter & Setter
bool get_compute_intercept() const
auto & set_compute_intercept(bool compute_intercept) const
result_option_id result_options

Choose which results should be computed and returned.

Getter & Setter
result_option_id get_result_options() const
auto & set_result_options(const result_option_id &value)

Method Tags

struct dense_batch

Tag-type that denotes dense_batch computational method.

struct sparse

Tag-type that denotes sparse computational method.

using by_default = dense_batch

Alias tag-type for the method.

Task Tags

struct classification

Tag-type that parameterizes entities used for solving classification problem.

using by_default = classification

Alias tag-type for classification task.


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class model
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve.



Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.


const table &packed_coefficients
Getter & Setter
const table & get_packed_coefficients() const
model & set_packed_coefficients(const table &t)

Training train(...)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class train_input
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification.


train_input(const table &data, const table &responses)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given data and responses property values.


const table &data

The training set X. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_data() const
auto & set_data(const table &data)
const table &responses

Vector of responses y for the training set X. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_responses() const
auto & set_responses(const table &responses)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class train_result
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification.



Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.


std::int64_t iterations_count

Actual number of optimizer iterations.

Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_iterations_count() const
auto & set_iterations_count(std::int64_t value)
const table &intercept

Table with Logistic Regression intercept.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_intercept() const
auto & set_intercept(const table &value)
const table &packed_coefficients

Table of Logistic Regression coefficients and intercept.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_packed_coefficients() const
auto & set_packed_coefficients(const table &value)
const model<Task> &model

The trained Logistic Regression model. Default value: model<Task>{}.

Getter & Setter
const model< Task > & get_model() const
auto & set_model(const model< Task > &value)
const result_option_id &result_options

Result options that indicates availability of the properties.

Getter & Setter
const result_option_id & get_result_options() const
auto & set_result_options(const result_option_id &value)
const table &coefficients

Table of Logistic Regression coefficients.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_coefficients() const
auto & set_coefficients(const table &value)
std::int64_t inner_iterations_count

Number of optimizer subiterations.

Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_inner_iterations_count() const
auto & set_inner_iterations_count(std::int64_t value)


template<typename Descriptor>
logistic_regression::train_result train(const Descriptor &desc, const logistic_regression::train_input &input)
  • desc – Logistic Regression algorithm descriptor logistic_regression::descriptor

  • input – Input data for the training operation

input.data.has_data == true
input.responses.data.has_data == true
input.data.row_count == input.responses.row_count
input.responses.column_count == 1
desc.inverse_regularization > 0.0
desc.class_count == 2
result.coefficients.row_count = 1
result.coefficients.column_count = input.data.column_count
result.intercept.row_count = 1
result.intercept.column_count = 1
result.packed_coefficients.row_count = 1
result.packed_coefficients.column_count = input.data.column_count + 1

Inference infer(...)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class infer_input
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification.


infer_input(const table &data, const model<Task> &model)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given data and model property values.


const model<Task> &model

The trained Logistic Regression model. Default value: model<Task>{}.

Getter & Setter
const model< Task > & get_model() const
auto & set_model(const model< Task > &m)
const table &data

The dataset for inference \(X'\). Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_data() const
auto & set_data(const table &data)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class infer_result
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification.



Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.


const table &responses

The predicted responses. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_responses() const
auto & set_responses(const table &value)
const table &probabilities

The predicted probabilities. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_probabilities() const
auto & set_probabilities(const table &value)


template<typename Descriptor>
logistic_regression::infer_result infer(const Descriptor &desc, const logistic_regression::infer_input &input)
  • desc – Logistic Regression algorithm descriptor logistic_regression::descriptor

  • input – Input data for the inference operation

input.data.has_data == true
result.responses.column_count == 1
result.responses.row_count == input.data.row_count


oneAPI DPC++

Batch Processing: