Remote Memory Access (RMA)#

The RMA routines described in this section can be used to perform reads from and writes to symmetric data objects. These operations are one-sided, meaning that the PE invoking an operation provides all communication parameters and the targeted PE is passive. A characteristic of one-sided communication is that it decouples communication from synchronization. One-sided communication mechanisms transfer data; however, they do not synchronize the sender of the data with the receiver of the data.

Intel® SHMEM RMA routines are performed on symmetric data objects. The initiator PE of a call is designated as the origin PE and the PE targeted by an operation is designated as the destination PE. The source and dest designators refer to the data objects that an operation reads from and writes to. In the case of the remote update routine, Put, the origin PE provides the source data object and the destination PE provides the dest data object. In the case of the remote read routine, Get, the origin PE provides the dest data object and the destination PE provides the source data object.

The destination PE is specified as an integer representing the PE number. This PE number is relative to the world team. If the PE number passed to the routine is invalid, being negative or greater than or equal to the size of the world team, then the behavior is undefined.

Intel® SHMEM provides type-generic one-sided communication interfaces via C11 generic selection (C11 § for block, scalar, and block-strided put and get communication. Such type-generic routines are supported for the “standard RMA types” listed in Table Standard RMA Types.

The standard RMA types include the exact-width integer types defined in stdint.h by C996 § and C11 § When the C translation environment does not provide exact-width integer types with stdint.h, an Intel® SHMEM implementation is not required to provide support for these types.

Standard RMA Types:









signed char








long long


unsigned char


unsigned short


unsigned int


unsigned long


unsigned long long






















Blocking RMA#


The put routines provide a method for copying data from a contiguous local data object to a data object on a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmem_put(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_TYPENAME_put(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_putSIZE(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_putmem(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the data object containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_putmem and ishmemx_putmem_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The put routines return after the data has been copied out of the source array on the local PE. The delivery of data words into the data object on the destination PE may occur in any order. Furthermore, two successive put routines may deliver data out of order unless a call to ishmem_fence or ishmemx_fence_work_group is introduced between the two calls.


The put routines provide a method for copying data from a contiguous local data object to a data object on a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE, typename Group>
void ishmemx_put_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_put_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_putSIZE_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_putmem_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the data object containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_putmem and ishmemx_putmem_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the Put operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The put routines return after the data has been copied out of the source array on the local PE. The delivery of data words into the data object on the destination PE may occur in any order. Furthermore, two successive put_work_group routines may deliver data out of order unless a call to ishmem_fence or ishmemx_fence_work_group is introduced between the two calls.


Copies one data item to a remote PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmem_p(TYPE *dest, TYPE value, int pe)#
void ishmem_TYPENAME_p(TYPE *dest, TYPE value, int pe)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • value – The value to be transferred to dest . The type of value should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: These routines provide a very low latency put capability for single elements of the standard RMA types.

As with ishmem_put, these routines start the remote transfer and may return before the data is delivered to the remote PE. Use ishmem_quiet or ishmemx_quiet_work_group to force completion of all remote Put transfers.


Copies strided data to a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmem_iput(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_TYPENAME_iput(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_iputSIZE(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination array data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the array containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive elements of the dest array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive elements of the source array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The iput routines provide a method for copying strided data elements (specified by sst) of an array from a source array on the local PE to locations specified by stride dst on a dest array on specified remote PE. Both strides, dst and sst, must be greater than or equal to 1. The routines return when the data has been copied out of the source array on the local PE but not necessarily before the data has been delivered to the remote data object.


Copies strided data to a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE, typename Group>
void ishmemx_iput_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_iput_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_iputSIZE_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination array data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the array containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive elements of the dest array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive elements of the source array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the strided Put operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The iput routines provide a method for copying strided data elements (specified by sst) of an array from a source array on the local PE to locations specified by stride dst on a dest array on specified remote PE. Both strides, dst and sst, must be greater than or equal to 1. The routines return when the data has been copied out of the source array on the local PE but not necessarily before the data has been delivered to the remote data object.


Copies strided data blocks to a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmemx_ibput(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe)#
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_ibput(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe)#
void ishmemx_ibputSIZE(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination array data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the array containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the dest array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the source array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • bsize – Number of elements per block in the dest and source arrays.

  • nblocks – Number of blocks to be copied from the source array to the dest array.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The ibput routines provide a method for copying strided data blocks (specified by sst) of an array from a source array on the local PE to locations specified by stride dst on a dest array on specified remote PE. The routines return when the data has been copied out of the source array on the local PE but not necessarily before the data has been delivered to the remote data object.


Copies strided data blocks to a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmemx_ibput_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe, const Group &group)#
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_ibput_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe, const Group &group)#
void ishmemx_ibputSIZE_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe, const Group &group)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination array data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the array containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the dest array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the source array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • bsize – Number of elements per block in the dest and source arrays.

  • nblocks – Number of blocks to be copied from the source array to the dest array.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the strided Put operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The ibput routines provide a method for copying strided data blocks (specified by sst) of an array from a source array on the local PE to locations specified by stride dst on a dest array on specified remote PE. The routines return when the data has been copied out of the source array on the local PE but not necessarily before the data has been delivered to the remote data object.


Copies data from a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmem_get(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_TYPENAME_get(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_getSIZE(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_getmem(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Local address of the data object containing the data to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_getmem and ishmemx_getmem_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The get routines provide a method for copying a contiguous symmetric data object from a different PE to a contiguous data object on the local PE. The routines return after the data has been delivered to the dest array on the local PE.


Copies data from a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE, typename Group>
void ishmemx_get_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_get_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_getSIZE_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_getmem_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Local address of the data object containing the data to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_getmem and ishmemx_getmem_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the Put operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The get routines provide a method for copying a contiguous symmetric data object from a different PE to a contiguous data object on the local PE. The routines return after the data has been delivered to the dest array on the local PE.


Copies one data item from a remote PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types.

template<typename TYPE>
TYPE ishmem_g(const TYPE *source, int pe)#
TYPE ishmem_TYPENAME_g(const TYPE *source, int pe)#
  • source – Symmetric address of the source data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE on which source resides.


Returns a single element of type TYPE.

Callable from the host and device.

Description: These routines provide a very low latency get capability for single elements of the standard RMA types.


Copies strided data from a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmem_iget(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_TYPENAME_iget(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_igetSIZE(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Local address of the array to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source array data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive elements of the dest array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive elements of the source array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The iget routines provide a method for copying strided data elements from a symmetric array from a specified remote PE to strided locations on a local array. The routines return when the data has been copied into the local dest array.


Copies strided data from a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE, typename Group>
void ishmemx_iget_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_iget_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_igetSIZE_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
  • dest – Local address of the array to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source array data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive elements of the dest array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive elements of the source array. The stride is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of 1 indicates contiguous data.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the strided Get operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The iget routines provide a method for copying strided data elements from a symmetric array from a specified remote PE to strided locations on a local array. The routines return when the data has been copied into the local dest array.


Copies strided data blocks to a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmemx_ibget(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe)#
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_ibget(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe)#
void ishmemx_ibgetSIZE(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe)#
  • dest – Local address of the array to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source array data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the dest array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the source array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • bsize – Number of elements per block in the dest and source arrays.

  • nblocks – Number of blocks to be copied from the source array to the dest array.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The ibget routines provide a method for copying strided data blocks from a symmetric array from a specified remote PE to strided locations on a local array. The routines return when the data has been copied into the local dest array.


Copies strided data blocks to a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmemx_ibget_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe, const Group &group)#
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_ibget_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe, const Group &group)#
void ishmemx_ibgetSIZE_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, ptrdiff_t dst, ptrdiff_t sst, size_t bsize, size_t nblocks, int pe, const Group &group)#
  • dest – Local address of the array to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source array data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • dst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the dest array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the dest array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • sst – The stride between consecutive blocks of the source array. The stride must be greater than or equal to bsize and is scaled by the element size of the source array. A value of bsize indicates contiguous data.

  • bsize – Number of elements per block in the dest and source arrays.

  • nblocks – Number of blocks to be copied from the source array to the dest array.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the strided Get operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The ibget routines provide a method for copying strided data blocks from a symmetric array from a specified remote PE to strided locations on a local array. The routines return when the data has been copied into the local dest array.

Nonblocking RMA#


The nonblocking put routines provide a method for copying data from a contiguous local data object to a data object on a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmem_put_nbi(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_TYPENAME_put_nbi(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_putSIZE_nbi(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_putmem_nbi(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE of TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the data object containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_putmem_nbi and ishmemx_putmem_nbi_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The nonblocking put routines return after initiating the operation. The operation is considered complete after a subsequent call to ishmem_quiet or ishmemx_quiet_work_group. At the completion of the quiet operation, the data has been copied into the dest array on the destination PE. The delivery of data words into the data object on the destination PE may occur in any order. Furthermore, two successive put routines may deliver data out of order unless a call to ishmem_fence or ishmemx_fence_work_group is introduced between the two calls.


The nonblocking put routines provide a method for copying data from a contiguous local data object to a data object on a specified PE.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE, typename Group>
void ishmemx_put_nbi_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_put_nbi_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_putSIZE_nbi_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_putmem_nbi_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Symmetric address of the destination data object. The type of dest should match the TYPE of TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Local address of the data object containing the data to be copied. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_putmem_nbi and ishmemx_putmem_nbi_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the Put operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The nonblocking put routines return after initiating the operation. The operation is considered complete after a subsequent call to ishmem_quiet or ishmemx_quiet_work_group. At the completion of the quiet operation, the data has been copied into the dest array on the destination PE. The delivery of data words into the data object on the destination PE may occur in any order. Furthermore, two successive put routines may deliver data out of order unless a call to ishmem_fence or ishmemx_fence_work_group is introduced between the two calls.


The nonblocking get routines provide a method for copying data from a contiguous remote data object on the specified PE to the local data object.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE>
void ishmem_get_nbi(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_TYPENAME_get_nbi(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_getSIZE_nbi(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
void ishmem_getmem_nbi(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Local address of the data object containing the data to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_getmem_nbi and ishmemx_getmem_nbi_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.



Callable from the host and device.

Description: The nonblocking get routines provide a method for copying a contiguous symmetric data object from a different PE to a contiguous data object on the local PE. The routines return after initiating the operation. The operation is considered complete after a subsequent call to ishmem_quiet or ishmemx_quiet_work_group. At the completion of the quiet operation, the data has been delivered to the dest array on the local PE.


The nonblocking get routines provide a method for copying data from a contiguous remote data object on the specified PE to the local data object.

In the functions below, TYPE is one of the standard RMA types and has a corresponding TYPENAME specified by Table Standard RMA Types, and SIZE is one of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

template<typename TYPE, typename Group>
void ishmemx_get_nbi_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_TYPENAME_get_nbi_work_group(TYPE *dest, const TYPE *source, size_t nelems, int pe, const Group &group)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_getSIZE_nbi_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
template<typename Group>
void ishmemx_getmem_nbi_work_group(void *dest, const void *source, size_t nelems, int pe)#
  • dest – Local address of the data object containing the data to be updated. The type of dest should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • source – Symmetric address of the source data object. The type of source should match the TYPE and TYPENAME according to the table of Standard RMA types.

  • nelems – Number of elements in the dest and source arrays. For ishmem_getmem_nbi and ishmemx_getmem_nbi_work_group, elements are bytes.

  • pe – PE number of the remote PE.

  • group – The SYCL group or sub_group on which to collectively perform the Get operation.



Callable from the device.

Description: The nonblocking get routines provide a method for copying a contiguous symmetric data object from a different PE to a contiguous data object on the local PE. The routines return after initiating the operation. The operation is considered complete after a subsequent call to ishmem_quiet or ishmemx_quiet_work_group. At the completion of the quiet operation, the data has been delivered to the dest array on the local PE.